Oleh : [Kiki] Rakhmawati Z

Sunday, September 11, 2011

About The Owner

Assalamu’alaykum wr wb……

Hi... Best regard for all. May Allah always keeps our faith hold on in the middle period of the world till the end of time, Amin. Welcome to my blogg. And let the owner introduce herself... :P My name‘s Rakhmawati Z. But my friends usually call me Kiki. Sometimes they call Rakhma or Zaki. So it‘s easy I think to call me which one of those name surely. Im from Pemalang. Have you ever heard? Might be you rarely heard ya :| Pemalang is a little city in the middle of Java and part of Pantura‘s traffic line. You need one hour to reach Pemalang from Pekalongan or Tegal. 3 hours from Semarang. And 5 hours from Yogyakarta. I suggest you to visit Pemalang. And you will find the great city you ever known there... 
Now. I‘m still finishing my graduate study in Gadjah Mada University. My graduate studi‘s covered in a wide range. Architecture and Regional Planning. With concentration Urban and Regional Planning. But actually I was not quite interested that particular study. Yes. Honestly... But there is nothing wrong with science. All science must be important thing to be learnt.

Finally... I will finished my study. This year [2011] is time that I have been waiting for four years to pick up one of my big plan. And it will getting in. Become a fresh graduate.

This blog is my footsteps to share my opinion about Islam. May be you can compare with yourself. In the same view or may be different... But actually sometimes this blog used to share about my feeling and my wandering journey :| Numpang nangis. Numpang sedih. Numpang mellow. Numpang senang. Numpang ketawa. Numpang bahagia. Dan yang pasti numpang nulis.

Last but not least. Learning about Islam is necessity. Because its guidance to walk on our life. So ! Do not ever rest your study about this. Keep up your faith. Your believe. And we will always in His protection.

Best Regard
“[Kiki] Rakhmawati Z”


  1. nice blog mbak kiki..

  2. Jazakumullah sudah berkunjung... semoga bermanfaat...

  3. inggih leres mbak, hmmm blog baru nggih??

  4. ya mas pras... mencoba mensharekan pengalaman dan apa yang di dapat lewat tulisan, smoga bisa jadi ladang pahala :) mohon koreksinya kalo ada salah kata dalam penulisan

    salam ukhuwah

  5. “Ikatlah ilmu dengan menuliskannya.” (Ali bin Abi Thalib)

    bagus Kii, blogmu... :)

  6. Makasih Tomm :) Yup... Bismillah...

    Ku link balik ya


Let make a friend, be closer with silaturahim... trust that someday Allah will unite us :DDD