Oleh : [Kiki] Rakhmawati Z

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Only Wish for Palestine

::: My Only Wish :::

All your armies ! All your fighter !
All your tanks ! And all your soldier !
Against a boy ! Holding a stone !
In his eyes, I see the sun...
In his smile, I see the moon...
And I wonder, I only wonder...
Who is weak !! And who is strong ?!
Who is right !! And who is wrong ?!
And I wish, I only wish...
That freedom, fastly comes...

Allahu Akbar !

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Dua Anak Manusia

A : When she’s daughter, she opens a door of jannah for her parents. When she’s a wife she completes half of the deen of her husband. When she’s a mother, jannah lies under her feet. If everyone knew the true status of moeslimah, even the men would want to be women (Syaikh Akram Nadawi)
B : ............................ *hiks
A : Segala luka dan kecewa tampaknya kan malu dan meniada : ketika kita insyafi bahwa Allah yang Maha Mengatur tak pernah keliru, tak pernah aniaya (Salim A Fillah)
B : ............................ *hiks

A : Salam rindu dari hatiku... Kangeeennnnn
B : Angin, sampaikan rinduku pada cinta *mmmm

[Ramadhan ]
A : Ayooookkkkk tinggal 10 hari lagi. Semangat semangat semangat kakaakk... hayukk kejar khusul khotimah!! Hoi! Hoi! Hoi! \(^0^)/
B : Yookk mari yookk ! ^o^ ****

A : We’ve always had wonderful time. I just need your sincerity to forgive all things I’ve done wrong. May Ramadhan brings in lots of blessings for us. Barakallah...
B : Suci. Bersih. Putih. Kembali...

B : Aku mau stay di Amazon buat beberapa bulan ke depan, bye bye
A : Hee? Elo mo ngapain di hutan? Kapan ke sana?
B : Mau ngejar takdir Allah
A : Sampai kapan?
B : KapanKapan *nyanyi, gimana kabar Azam?
A : Baik,
B : Masih kontak?
A : Masih, dia mau nikah tuh
B : Haa! Sama siapa, kapan?
A : Deket ini...
B : Trus kamu?
A : Mau gimana?
B : Kamu prefer yang mana ?! 
A : Azam itu idaman, tapi aku ngga tau dia mau sama aku apa ngga. Kalo satunya lagi beneran... Gatau aku ceritanya gimana, dia lagi berjuang dapet restu

A : Hoooooyyyyyyyyyyyyy
B : Hey !

A : Heeehhhhh kamu ngapain nongol-nongol di mimpiku, haaah? Kalo berani dateng langsung ke sini
B : Uangnya mau buat nunggu kamu nikah... Kalo dateng sekarang trus pas kamu nikah ngga bisa dateng, boong aja... Mau aku ngga dateng !?

A : Ngga ada yang perlu di rayakan dari berkurangnya umur. Jadi, semoga waktu yang udah lewat Allah ridho, waktu yang tersisa barakah Huhuhu, kata orang mah makin tua makin berjaya. Mudahan makbul ya
B : Thanks Sob, berkah dan sukses juga di sisa umurmu...
A : Sini ke borneo ah !
B : \(^0^)/
A : Cieehh, cie cie
B : Jaga Allah, menyukai dan disukai itu anugerah
A : Jangan nikah sama orang yang di suka, tapi suka sama orang yang di nikahi
B : Lebih barokah... Never thought you’ll say those words, calonnya siapa sih?
A : Calonnya orang shaleh
B : Aamiin. You’ll get as you thaught bout what would God gives to you. Cayo ! yo yo bravo !
A : Sekarang doyan ngerap ya ? -_________-

Bumi Allah_22112012

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Keep Your Promise !

2 months. I have been lived in Paris Van Java. Crowded. Hectic. Dizy. Just like Batavia City. Money. Fashion. Joy. Pleasure. People space out their times freely. Whenever and everywhere. 

Shaking my mind. Think to move on. Keep hand my promise. 

Fortunately, there were two of my friends accompanied me since I stayed. They kept me ! So I didn’t face my hardest work lonely. They were really really gift from God. But times goes on. I couldn’t keep this togetherness stayed for along time. We have our own way on the further times. And that time definitely will come. Resting this togetherness. Face out our life lonely is really something. Yet, there were many friends and family stayed and supported us all the time. They keep us to cheer up ! They are another candle light in the night.

We have to see everything positively. Dad’s advice.

That was right. Thinking positively will make us keep stand and cheer up this life. Kindness is still spread out surrounding us. Allah was right. His command is guidline that should be hold. We should know. That anything happened is something to learn.

Nowdays. Capitalism is everywhere. Maybe sometimes it could change our straight mind, who know? We lived in the “Wilderness World”. Keep on our hand-grip to God is something should do to keep us stand in the blest way. That so for someone who will be ours (mate). We must consider how strong are they? How strong their willing to make a change in their later little family. Supporting Islam to blossom out its kindness. And letting it for having powerful in this world wide for the second times.  

Saving God rules.

They exactly know how it feels. Now and afterwards will getting blur for them who have met their maturity. Unpredictable moment has come to them. And this should ! makes them to hand-grip His line stronger and stronger. Believe in His destiny. Even sometimes it hards. 

Pen has risen and ink has written.

Keep on your promise when you were be unborn child. That you will keep your word. Allah is my God. And I will back. ‘Coz I belong to Him... 

[211112] - [09:15-10:02]
Paris Van Java