Oleh : [Kiki] Rakhmawati Z

Monday, January 23, 2012

In a Blink of My Time...

In the last of my time in college... Allah still gives me a chance. Presents that He gives was always impressing me a lot. Yes. Actually I never thought that my research would be pass to get grant fund. It would be amazing chance for me in the last of my time in university. Because on the near future I will not to be an university students anymore. And the research must be finished more half of year forward. If the research going better, it would be possible to further on the next competition. But I do not expect too much if it will further to the national level. Because there are many competitors who have a good qualifications and substantials to be implemented. But nothing wrong with hope and try hard to give the best. Well... very nice to be part of them. Moreover, providing services to the community is something pleasant and great dedication can be given. Let me giving you know how happy I am. Because since being student in college, actually I tried oftentimes to apply some research with various titles. And finally passed. Eventhough this chance comes when I finished my study. May be the feelings would be different if I got it while I was still studying. Alhamdulillah... Once more. One of my resolutions has been reached. It must be something worth in a blink of my time... Let draw the next wandering.

Do not refuse any chance that come in you. Because chance always comes for people who prepared themself to achieve anything in their life. Do not be afraid about something that has not happened yet.

Inspiring Room, 23 January 2012 [23:15]
Always be my Inspiring Room...
There are many memories have you made ( ^.^)(^.^)

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Let make a friend, be closer with silaturahim... trust that someday Allah will unite us :DDD